søndag 29. mai 2011

Reading Blogs and Book Reports...

It is about 2 month ago I wrote my last blog post!! It is long time ago..

I am going to answer some questions today, about these three blog links my teacher has set up:

Forever young adult
Lindas reading blog
Reading year

Can you find any books from the book reports on these blogs that you would like to read? Why/why not?
Yes! I would like to read the book ''Exposure'' because I like love stories. The book is about a girl (Amalie) who loves a boy (Anthony), but her father dont like that his daughter have a boyfriend in the age before 18. When Amalie and her family went on a trip, Amalie miss Anthony and they send each other naked pictures of them self. One day Amalie forget her computer on her room. When her dad comes to say that the dinner is ready he sees all the pictures of Anthony and calls the police because he thinks something else...

What does a good book report look like? What should be included?
I think that a book report should tell us something about the book that should make us to read the book. A book report should not tell us the whole story, but tell us a short summary about the book.

I think that a book report should be included:
  • The author's name.
  • The title of the book.
  • The first publisher and the year the book have been published.
  • How many pages the book have.
  • Which genre the book have.
  • A short summary of what happens in the book.
  • Recommend which age group should read the book.
  • What you think about the book and what you likeed or not liked. (Your opinion)
Recommend a book! Be brief but make the reader want to read the book:
 ''A Tousand Splendid Suns''

Author: Khaled Hosseini

First publisher: Riverhead books

Published: 2007

Pages: 384

Genre: Novel

Recommended age: 16 years

My opinion:
I loved the book, it was so sad and exciting at the same time. I have learned about how poor peoples have it and how the rich peoples live. I think that book is for peoples who is over 16 years because some of the scene is sad and not recommended for peoples under 16 years. But I read it anyway and the book maked me cry...

A short summary:

The book is about a afghani girl named Mariam. She got force marrige with a guy who is over 30 years older than her. When she  got pregnant and loose her baby, the doctor says that she never can be a mom.. Her houseband Rashid abuse her a lot..
One day Rashid get marrige with another girl named Lejla who is just 15 years old a he gets two children with her. But no one knows that Lejla actually loves someone else... When Mariam wants to help her, bouth of them gets in big troubels...

Source: http://umsreflections.files.wordpress.com/2010/08   /khaled_hosseini_a_thousand_splendid_suns1.jpg

Good night!