søndag 27. februar 2011

The holidays is over..


Today is the last day before the holidays is over. It's school tomorrow and we are going to have english too.
I didn't wrote anything in the holidays, but I think that no one did it too. Who had time to it? Everyone was busy...I think so. :P
I didn't travled or something, I was here in Oslo but it was relly cool because I visited my friends and cousins.

Did you enjoy your holidays?   

torsdag 17. februar 2011

Wiki- and blogwriting.

Hello everyone!

I have learned many new things about wiki and a blog this week. My homework is  to write what I have learned. So I am going to write...

What I have learned?:
Wiki is a web-side you can use at anytime. For example: four friends are going to have a party. They need a list of what they need, and they have to communicate each other. If they use e-mail or SMS will it take a lot of time. Then why don't use something faster? Wiki is the best idea. On a wiki can these four friends write, edit and save. If one of the friends writes wrong, can one of the other friends edit it. And if a friend write something, can one of the other friends remove or edit it. Isn't it great! Just edit, write and save. These things is the most important.
Blog it's a type of a diary. It can be a log for what you have done and it can be like a ''homework'' diary. My blog is a type of a homework diary. Here can I write about everything, but I am writnig about my homework here.

What I liked about it?:
 I really liked to create a blog, because I have never done it before. That is the same with the wiki. I have never write a wiki or a blog so I think that it was relly cool actually. I hope we can contiune with both of this...

 After have watching this video, I understood what a wiki was. So I recommend this video. Watch it now!:

Do you know what a wiki is now? A blog?


Velkommen til min blogg!
Jeg skal stortsett bare blogge om faget engelsk. Dette er mitt første innlegg. Akkurat nå vet jeg ikke hva jeg skal skrive om, men det kommer innlegg senere. Jeg skal blogge mye om engelsk og skal også skrive på engelsk.
Enjoy :P

Liker du blogging? Fagblogging?