torsdag 17. februar 2011

Wiki- and blogwriting.

Hello everyone!

I have learned many new things about wiki and a blog this week. My homework is  to write what I have learned. So I am going to write...

What I have learned?:
Wiki is a web-side you can use at anytime. For example: four friends are going to have a party. They need a list of what they need, and they have to communicate each other. If they use e-mail or SMS will it take a lot of time. Then why don't use something faster? Wiki is the best idea. On a wiki can these four friends write, edit and save. If one of the friends writes wrong, can one of the other friends edit it. And if a friend write something, can one of the other friends remove or edit it. Isn't it great! Just edit, write and save. These things is the most important.
Blog it's a type of a diary. It can be a log for what you have done and it can be like a ''homework'' diary. My blog is a type of a homework diary. Here can I write about everything, but I am writnig about my homework here.

What I liked about it?:
 I really liked to create a blog, because I have never done it before. That is the same with the wiki. I have never write a wiki or a blog so I think that it was relly cool actually. I hope we can contiune with both of this...

 After have watching this video, I understood what a wiki was. So I recommend this video. Watch it now!:

Do you know what a wiki is now? A blog?

2 kommentarer:

  1. Lise: thank you. I hope you will enjoy my blog:)

    Embla: Thank you Embla:D
    I like your blog entry too..
