fredag 18. mars 2011

Australia! =)

Hello! How are you all?

I am going to write aboute Australia. Just some facts I know from 7th grade.
We learned aboute Australia in the end of the 7th grade and the best thing is that I can remeber everything! But I am not going to write everyting. I know that Australia is popular becauce of four things: koalas, kangaroos, Great Barrier Reaf and The Sydney Opera House.

Koalas: koalas is some animales who lives in trees. They are not dangeours but thay can have som sharp claws and if someone mess with them can it be very dangerous. 

Kangaroos: is from the same ''animalfamily'' like koalas. They are popular because they jump and beacuse they have their baby's in their pouches.                                                 

The Great Barrier Reaf: The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest reef system. The Great Barrier Reef is the world's biggest single structure made ​​by  organisms. Exemple: green sea turtles.

The Sydney Opera House: The Sydney Opera House is an opera house in  Sydney. The opera house is aboute 100 years old. The Sydney Opera House is the world's most famouse opera house.

We worked with this topics in 7th grade and did focus on all of these topics. I will thank my old english teacher Sverre Vaage. It's because of him that I can all aboute this. Thank you Sverre!  I hope you learned something!
PS: I didn't use wikipedia or anything else, I just wrote that i could remeber from 7th grade!
Bye..and enjoy the weekend!

What do you know about Australia? Do you have seen koalas, kangaroos, Great Barrier Reaf or The Sydney Opera House in the real before?

4 kommentarer:

  1. That is the best post I've read about Australia! I'll keep reading your blog =) Good job!

  2. Iqra, Jenni: Thank you <3=)

    Lise: Thank you too Lise!

    Sidra: Thank you, and for reading my blog:)
