søndag 29. mai 2011

Reading Blogs and Book Reports...

It is about 2 month ago I wrote my last blog post!! It is long time ago..

I am going to answer some questions today, about these three blog links my teacher has set up:

Forever young adult
Lindas reading blog
Reading year

Can you find any books from the book reports on these blogs that you would like to read? Why/why not?
Yes! I would like to read the book ''Exposure'' because I like love stories. The book is about a girl (Amalie) who loves a boy (Anthony), but her father dont like that his daughter have a boyfriend in the age before 18. When Amalie and her family went on a trip, Amalie miss Anthony and they send each other naked pictures of them self. One day Amalie forget her computer on her room. When her dad comes to say that the dinner is ready he sees all the pictures of Anthony and calls the police because he thinks something else...

What does a good book report look like? What should be included?
I think that a book report should tell us something about the book that should make us to read the book. A book report should not tell us the whole story, but tell us a short summary about the book.

I think that a book report should be included:
  • The author's name.
  • The title of the book.
  • The first publisher and the year the book have been published.
  • How many pages the book have.
  • Which genre the book have.
  • A short summary of what happens in the book.
  • Recommend which age group should read the book.
  • What you think about the book and what you likeed or not liked. (Your opinion)
Recommend a book! Be brief but make the reader want to read the book:
 ''A Tousand Splendid Suns''

Author: Khaled Hosseini

First publisher: Riverhead books

Published: 2007

Pages: 384

Genre: Novel

Recommended age: 16 years

My opinion:
I loved the book, it was so sad and exciting at the same time. I have learned about how poor peoples have it and how the rich peoples live. I think that book is for peoples who is over 16 years because some of the scene is sad and not recommended for peoples under 16 years. But I read it anyway and the book maked me cry...

A short summary:

The book is about a afghani girl named Mariam. She got force marrige with a guy who is over 30 years older than her. When she  got pregnant and loose her baby, the doctor says that she never can be a mom.. Her houseband Rashid abuse her a lot..
One day Rashid get marrige with another girl named Lejla who is just 15 years old a he gets two children with her. But no one knows that Lejla actually loves someone else... When Mariam wants to help her, bouth of them gets in big troubels...

Source: http://umsreflections.files.wordpress.com/2010/08   /khaled_hosseini_a_thousand_splendid_suns1.jpg

Good night!

lørdag 9. april 2011

What does a good PowerPoint presentaiton really look like?

My class saw Rowan Monahan's presentation Dodging Bullets in Presentations this monday. The presentation was about Dodging Bullets and how to creat a good Powerpoint presentation. He had some thougths and I am going to answer some questions for this week about that;

What are his thoughts?
His thought is that we should not write too many bullets point or too many words in a presentation. Example if I have a presentation about dimond. I should take a picture and 1-3 words witch descibe the picture. Example a picture of a diamond and a word like clarity witch is describing the picture of the diamond.We should also have some colourfull words and headlines, because we dont want to bore the audience. So remember: use few words and dont use Dodging Bullets in a presentation! If you follow the recipe will you have a relly good presentation.

What do you think? What does a good PowerPoint presentation look like?
I think that a good presentation just looks like Rowan Monahan describes it. I mean a presentation with a lot of pictrues, 1-3 words witch describes the picture and few words. Sometime can it happen that you forget what you have to say, then you sholud write some notes, you can write it in the end of the presentation page. (Powerpoint)

 Have you ever been present at a really good presentation? What made it such a good presentation? 
Hmm..yes, in 7th grade. A girl had about Obama and she presentated it very good. I think the presentation was relly good because she only used pictures, discribe the pictures by her own words and she didn't read anything, she told us about Obama by her own words. She didn't used Dodging Bullets at all..

<-------- We dont want this...

Source: http://www.german-business-etiquette.com/img/9-giving-a-presentation.jpg

fredag 1. april 2011

Copy, paste... and cheat?

  Alright I am going to answer some questions aboute copy, pasting and cheating. Actually I think that this topic is intresting.

Why do you think so many students cheat on their exams and papers ("oppgaver")?
I think that studens cheat because they dont want to get the exame or the paper with bad grades. I mean they think that if they cheat will they got the right answer, and if they dont cheat will it go over their whole carrier. I think that every mistakes or bad

answer on any paper or exam, will learn us      something.
Example: if I have a test and I have to write ''Neighbours'' and I write ''Neiboors'' will I get a wrong answer, but after have understand the mistake will I remember that  have to wrie ''Neighbours'' not ''Neiboors''. Like I said, every mistakes in our lives will learn us something.

What is the difference between plagiarizing and quoting?
Plagiarizing is taht you copy a text from anything and wrtie it down. That is bad, because you don't learn something and you don't use your words. If write a text you have copy from the internet, and you got a ''A'' on it will you get an exellent text, but the bad thing is that you haven't write it. Quoting is to use text but wrtie it on you own word.                  

Why is it so important to name your sources?
It is important to use sources because then can your teacher or someone else see that you dont have copy or cheat. Example if you have written a text and wrote the source too, can you teacher click on it and see that you are not cheating.
Source for the picture: http://sociology.camden.rutgers.edu/jfm/plagiarism/plagiari.jpg:

søndag 27. mars 2011

How to find good sources on the internet?

I am going to answer some questions aboute sources on the internet...

Do you have any tips on how to figure out if a source is good or bad?
The first thing I would do is to find many sources and read all of them, if all of the sources say the same can you use the information. And if I find a source on the internet, and other sources are saying something else, is my tips to you that dont trust on that source at all.

Any tips on how to find the really good sources?   
I have a tips but I think that my tips will be a little different from the internet. You can use a book, or a lexicon and you can show the source you have found to a teacher. You can find a lexicon on the internet too, but I would use a ''book lexicon'' more than the internet. The reason behind that is that like Embla said; the book has been released, and that means that the book has been approved. That is a good answer on that;)   

Where do you search for them?
I search for them on example google and snl.no. But the best thing with snl.no is that the website is wrote by professional people and the website have been accepted by Utdanningsetaten. I search on snl.no first of all, and if I dont find the thing I am out for will I use google.

PS: I loved Embla's blog entry, so my tips is that you should read it!

Picture: Picture: http://www.nrk.no/kultur-og-underholdning/1.6718460

fredag 18. mars 2011

Australia! =)

Hello! How are you all?

I am going to write aboute Australia. Just some facts I know from 7th grade.
We learned aboute Australia in the end of the 7th grade and the best thing is that I can remeber everything! But I am not going to write everyting. I know that Australia is popular becauce of four things: koalas, kangaroos, Great Barrier Reaf and The Sydney Opera House.

Koalas: koalas is some animales who lives in trees. They are not dangeours but thay can have som sharp claws and if someone mess with them can it be very dangerous. 

Kangaroos: is from the same ''animalfamily'' like koalas. They are popular because they jump and beacuse they have their baby's in their pouches.                                                 

The Great Barrier Reaf: The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest reef system. The Great Barrier Reef is the world's biggest single structure made ​​by  organisms. Exemple: green sea turtles.

The Sydney Opera House: The Sydney Opera House is an opera house in  Sydney. The opera house is aboute 100 years old. The Sydney Opera House is the world's most famouse opera house.

We worked with this topics in 7th grade and did focus on all of these topics. I will thank my old english teacher Sverre Vaage. It's because of him that I can all aboute this. Thank you Sverre!  I hope you learned something!
PS: I didn't use wikipedia or anything else, I just wrote that i could remeber from 7th grade!
Bye..and enjoy the weekend!

What do you know about Australia? Do you have seen koalas, kangaroos, Great Barrier Reaf or The Sydney Opera House in the real before?

onsdag 9. mars 2011

Are translations a good way to learn English?


I have a homework this week, and the work is that I have to answer a question Lise have made. And the question is: Are translations a good way to learn English?

It depends on which type of translation we are talking about. Computer translation, like Google translate is NOT a good way to learn English at all. But a text we have to translate is not the best way to learn English but..it can be good. By doing translation can we learn how to write a sentence and we can be sure about that we can English. But I think that we can learn the thing we are learning in translation on a other ways too. Exemple to talk about the text in the class and the teacher can ask you question to the text in english, and you can answer the questions. (in English)

What do you think about to learn English by translation?

Talk to you soonest possible=)

tirsdag 1. mars 2011

Best way to learn grammer:


This week is all about grammer. We are going to have a grammer test in week 11, I think. My homerwork for this week is to answer this question: What is the best way to learn grammar? 

I think that the best way to learn grammer is to do a lot of taskes after have reading some rules and examples.
1. When I do taskes, I got a exercise. And if you got some exercise can you do the grammer very easily on a test.
2. To read some rules about the topic you are going to learn is the most important thing. I think that without reading some rules can you never understand the topic you are learning.

The second question: How are you going to prepare for the grammar test in week 11

I am going to learn by heart, read the rules and do some exercises. And I am going to work with the topics I am not sure with.


søndag 27. februar 2011

The holidays is over..


Today is the last day before the holidays is over. It's school tomorrow and we are going to have english too.
I didn't wrote anything in the holidays, but I think that no one did it too. Who had time to it? Everyone was busy...I think so. :P
I didn't travled or something, I was here in Oslo but it was relly cool because I visited my friends and cousins.

Did you enjoy your holidays?   

torsdag 17. februar 2011

Wiki- and blogwriting.

Hello everyone!

I have learned many new things about wiki and a blog this week. My homework is  to write what I have learned. So I am going to write...

What I have learned?:
Wiki is a web-side you can use at anytime. For example: four friends are going to have a party. They need a list of what they need, and they have to communicate each other. If they use e-mail or SMS will it take a lot of time. Then why don't use something faster? Wiki is the best idea. On a wiki can these four friends write, edit and save. If one of the friends writes wrong, can one of the other friends edit it. And if a friend write something, can one of the other friends remove or edit it. Isn't it great! Just edit, write and save. These things is the most important.
Blog it's a type of a diary. It can be a log for what you have done and it can be like a ''homework'' diary. My blog is a type of a homework diary. Here can I write about everything, but I am writnig about my homework here.

What I liked about it?:
 I really liked to create a blog, because I have never done it before. That is the same with the wiki. I have never write a wiki or a blog so I think that it was relly cool actually. I hope we can contiune with both of this...

 After have watching this video, I understood what a wiki was. So I recommend this video. Watch it now!:

Do you know what a wiki is now? A blog?


Velkommen til min blogg!
Jeg skal stortsett bare blogge om faget engelsk. Dette er mitt første innlegg. Akkurat nå vet jeg ikke hva jeg skal skrive om, men det kommer innlegg senere. Jeg skal blogge mye om engelsk og skal også skrive på engelsk.
Enjoy :P

Liker du blogging? Fagblogging?